A Q & A with Dr. Alice Bowman, the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning as well as other administrators, Director of Math & Science Dr. Tom Callahan, and Director of Humanities Dr. Maria Thompson.
Topics Include: 2023-2024 Curriculum, Scheduling, Regents, and more.
Your questions answered. Listen in. Join the conversation.
We will also have an opportunity to chat with our BOE representative, Site Based Council rep, PTA Council rep, SEPTA rep, and will discuss our PTA goals, budget, and upcoming events and opportunities.
Here are the draft minutes from the October meeting, which will be approved in this meeting and our agenda for this Tuesday meeting.
Principal's Chats provide the opportunity for regularly-scheduled communication between PMHS families, our Board of Education Representative and our administrative team. They feature highlights and announcements along with in-the-moment Q&A.
The PTA will open a search for the Nominating Committee Members, Site Based Council spot for 2023, PTA Team (President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Hospitality)