Friday Jan. 6, PMHS: Battle of the Bands
Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 7:00 p.m to 8:40 PM, “Grade 11 College Night.” PMHS Auditorium. A college admission panel discussion followed by several breakout sessions covering important aspects of the admission process.
- Breakout sessions on topics such as The College Essay as Evaluated by Admissions Staff, An Overview of Educational Opportunities at CUNY and SUNY, A Discussion with College Admissions Staff Regarding Applying to Test Optional Institutions, and A Discussion with Veteran Parents/Students Panel: What Did They Learn In Their Application Process?
Wednesday, Jan. 11, Early Release 1 PM
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 7 PM Science Research Symposium Auditorium
It is highly recommended for all of the parents of students that are continuing in the program to be in attendance. It is especially important If you or your child are undecided about moving on in the program.
- We will have a quick break out session on this night discussing the summer requirements at all levels. All family members including children are welcome. There will be food provided again by AMPLIFY. It is understood that because of other obligations some parents will not be able to attend.
Please Note, student attendance is mandatory for ALL students in the program regardless if they are moving on or not.
Monday, Jan. 16, No School. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, Jan. 24 - 27,PMHS Regents/Mid-terms week. No classes. (Just exams). Schedules will be sent home.