Originally delivered on 1/6/2023 4:02 pm

SUBJECT: January Bulletin - Don't Miss Events

PTA Website

New Year's Bulletin

This update is for all parents. Even if you do not wish to join the PTA, please update your account information and directory publish preferences for the 2022-2023 school year.

Our Next Meeting
President's Message

Happy New Year!

Did you get a chance to enjoy time with your kids, slow down a bit, and cherish a moment or two?

I was driving to a meeting yesterday and saw a scene on the side of the road in Sleepy Hollow as a mom hugged her college student with a big backpack goodbye as an obviously college age friend (with Massachusetts plates) was picking her up to head back to school. My heart filled with emotion for that parent and for the moment. I am about to do the same thing in a few days with my college freshman. Cue ABBA music...  This morning, as I looked in and turned on the light (ha! ha!) to wake my angelic looking, sleepy 10th grader who is still definitely on vacation time, I just wanted to hug her. Because very soon, before I am ready, she'll be on her own and I won't be able to do that.

It is an honor and a priviledge to be in PTA leadership. I care deeply about all our kids, our teachers, Pelham education and New York, as do you. Let's support each other and unite to accomplish a few small things and a few big things in 2023. Go Pelicans! #ProtectTheNest 

Marjut Herzog

President PMHS PTA

PMHS PTA Announcements
Our Next Meeting
Joint PTA Meeting - Principal Chat January 17th

7 PM PTA Meeting followed by Principal's Evening Chat and Q & A  with Dr. Alice Bowman, the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning

Topics Include: Scheduling, Regents, BOCES, and more.


 Your questions answered. Listen in. Join the conversation.


Principal's Chats provide the opportunity for regularly-scheduled communication between PMHS families, our Board of Education Representative and our administrative team. They feature highlights and announcements along with in-the-moment Q&A.

The PTA will open a search for the Nominating Committee Members, Site Based Council spot for 2023, PTA Team (President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Hospitality) 

Rho Kappa
Thank You PTA Members! From Mr. Sirico

Dear PTA Members,

I would like to extend a thank you to the PTA for the financial support they continue to provide to the incredibly popular Rho Kappa sponsored PMHS History Bowl competition. With over 100 students participating/ 20 students volunteering in this year's History Bowl, your assistance contributed to the event's success. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to next year's competition.


 As you can see, the students were quite enthusiastic and engaged in both a healthy competition and learning experience. After 2 years of dealing with the limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's competition was a return to form and that was due in part to the return of the PTA's generous support with the Pizza, Drinks and Prizes. It was very much appreciated by the student competitors and volunteers.

Thank You!

Marc Sirico

PMHS Reminders
Daily Announcements
Please Note!

Friday Jan. 6, PMHS: Battle of the Bands

Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 7:00 p.m to 8:40 PM, Grade 11 College Night.” PMHS Auditorium.  A college admission panel discussion followed by several breakout sessions covering important aspects of the admission process. 

  • Breakout sessions on topics such as The College Essay as Evaluated by Admissions Staff, An Overview of Educational Opportunities at CUNY and SUNY, A Discussion with College Admissions Staff Regarding Applying to Test Optional Institutions, and A Discussion with Veteran Parents/Students Panel: What Did They Learn In Their Application Process

Wednesday, Jan. 11, Early Release 1 PM

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 7 PM Science Research Symposium Auditorium 

 It is highly recommended for all of the parents of students that are continuing in the program to be in attendance.  It is especially important If you or your child are undecided about moving on in the program.  

  • We will have a quick break out session on this night discussing the summer requirements at all levels.  All family members including children are welcome.  There will be food provided again by AMPLIFY.  It is understood that because of other obligations some parents will not be able to attend.  

Please Note, student attendance is mandatory for ALL students in the program regardless if they are moving on or not.

Monday, Jan. 16,  No School. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

Tuesday, Jan. 24 - 27,PMHS Regents/Mid-terms week. No classes. (Just exams).  Schedules will be sent home.

Important Information for all Students
  • Math Tutoring for PMHS Students will take place in Room 250A on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:15-4:15 (it’s scheduled for after academy so that students can access Academy first and then math tutoring.

  • Community service: All high school students are required to record their community service hours through www.volunteeraccess.com in order to fulfill their graduation requirement; students should select Pelham Memorial High School and log in using their Google Classroom address.

For Parents - Check out the Facebook Groups for Your Student's Year

Learn about Black History - any time of year

Februrary is designated as Black History Month.  Here are some websites and books about and written by fascinating people for any month of the year. You may want to share these links with your family and friends once you take a step to explore and learn more.


Black Soldiers in the Revolutionary War | Article | The United States Army 


How WWI Changed America: African Americans in WWI" on YouTube


How the ‘Buffalo Soldiers’ helped turn the tide in Italy during World War II


Black Cowboys on the Silver Screen | American Experience | Official Site | PBS


African Americans in the Gold Rush | American Experience | Official Site | PBS



25 YA Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books by Black Authors


11 Great Science Fiction Books by Black Authors 


Young Adult Novels









How the ‘Buffalo Soldiers’ helped turn the tide in Italy during World War II



Not comprehensive but a list to start to learn more:



Not comprehensive but a list to start to learn more:


Community Partners

Link to our Community Partners on our Website. We will spotlight different partners with teen-focused programs/activities each month.

PTAC -PTA Council
PTA Council of Pelham - All PTA Members are welcome

Our meetings take place monthly on the first Thursday of the month from 8:45am-10:15am with a few exceptions noted below. They will continue to be virtual via Zoom.

February 2,  March 2,  April 13 (2nd Thursday due to Spring Break)

May 4 (probably the PTAC vote on the budget)

June 1

Zoom Meeting Link


Meeting ID: 299 119 3328

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,2991193328# US

+19292056099,,2991193328# US (New York)

Pelham Art Center Winter Camps, Classes, and Workshops

Pelham Art Center is now taking registrations for its Winter 2023 semester classes for all ages. Classes and workshops will cover a wide variety of art techniques and media for all age groups. Pelham Art Center classes are immersive creative experiences led by professional teaching artists. Each class introduces an artistic medium in depth through guided projects suited to artists of all skill levels. 

Complete class details and registration can be found at: pelhamartcenter.org/education.

Pelham Teens Only Nights

Please join the Pelham Recreation Department at the New Rochelle YMCA for a fun Pelham Teens Only night! This program is for Pelham students grades 6 and up. Our next event is scheduled for January 7, 2023 from 6:30PM-8:30PM.  Please note the YMCA will be open to Pelham Residents only on this night. Enjoy the pool, basketball, exercise room and racquetball. Pizza and soda will be served and is included in the price. The YMCA will be supervised by the Pelham Recreation Staff on this night. Transportation is available from the Richard J. Daronco Town House at 6:15PM and returns at 8:30PM.  You must call the office at 914-738-0153 to reserve a spot on the van.  Alternatively, you can drop your child off and pick up at the YMCA. Please wear sneakers and bring a bathing suit and towel.


To register, please visit our website at www.pelhamrecreation.com and click Youth Programs.


LOCATION:    YMCA, 50 Weyman Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 

TIME:        6:30PM-8:30PM

DATES:        January 7th, February 4th, and March 4th

FEE:        $10.00 Each Night

Junior League of Pelham MLK Day Service & Connection Opportunity

 Women's Resource Drive on January 16th 2023 (MLK Day) from10am to 12pm at the Manor Club in Pelham, NY.

Participants will be able to:

  • Donate essentials for local women's shelters
  • Experience a yoga/barre class or two sponsored by Thrive Barre & Fitness
  • Meet other moms
  • Enjoy coffee and snacks
  • Bring the kids (babysitting & children's crafts will be available)

*Reserve a spot or the 10:15am and 11:15am yoga classes. Yoga classes are a suggested cash donation of $10 or the purchase of an item on the Amazon wishlist.*

Pelham Civics

Pelham Civics works to help families in our community. All Help a Child/Change a Life program inquiries are completely confidential . Anyone may reach out to Richard Davidian (914-552-0872 or email). 

Looking Ahead
Friday, January 6
Day 3
7:00p Battle of the Bands
Monday, January 9
Day 4
Tuesday, January 10
Day 5
7:00p Grade 11 College Night
Wednesday, January 11
Day 6
1:00p Early Release for Professional Learning, All Students Dismissed at 1pm
7:00p Science Research Senior Symposium
Thursday, January 12
Day 1
7:00p Grade 8 PMHS Information Night
Friday, January 13
Day 2
Monday, January 16
Schools Close din Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 17
Day 3
7:00p PTA Meeting/Principal's Coffee
Wednesday, January 18
Day 4

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